Pie charts

The pie chart is used for representations of percentage proportions. It relies on CSS variables, an outrageous abuse of calc(), display: table-*, clip-path, mask-image, transform and a bit of SVG to distinguish each area. Yes, I know how to laugh. How do we use it?

  1. The <table> itself carries a set of custom properties, corresponding to each values it contains as a percentage, useful for determining the angle each value should occupy on the circle.
  2. On each header <th>, a --color custom property allows you to assign, well… a color ; and a --term custom property to get header in CSS.
  3. Then each cell <td> must contain the value and its unit.
    1. All points of the polygon() — used to draw the pie part thanks to clip-path — depend on --value, matching the corresponding custom property set on the <table> (eg. --1). Read the technical note after the example for details of the calculations.
    2. --start is the sum of the previous values and used to define the starting point of the arc on the circle, applied to the rotate() function of the transform property.
  4. A series of pseudo-boolean variables are computed using clamp() based on the value (eg. --1), each worthing 0 or 1 : --lt-25: clamp(0, 25 - var(--value), 1), --gt-25: calc(1 - var(--lt-25)) and so on — according to and idea of Roman Komarov in Conditions for CSS variables and some tricks shared by Ana Tudor, who calls it switch variables. They allow to toggle the points from their original position (50% 50%) to their calculated position, by adding or subtracting from the initial value using min() and max() comparison functions;
  5. a ::before pseudo-element on each cell <td>is formatted in a clever way according to all our variables, including transform, clip-path and mask-image.
  6. a ::after pseudo-element is used as a tooltip, to summarize header and value for each cell —but the display of custom properties in a pseudo-element is not so trivial:
  7. And finally a pattern is applied to the background, in order to better associate it visually with the corresponding legend.

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A bit of trigonometry

In this graph, each portion represents an arc of a circle based on an angle (part of 360 degrees). To define the shape of this portion, a point must be placed on the circle.

To do this, I divide the circle into four squares. The position of the point on the circle can then be calculated using the properties of the right-angled triangle formed by:

  1. the center of the circle,
  2. the point we're trying to position,
  3. and the point perpendicular to the radius and passing through our target point.

We know the hypotenuse of this triangle — the radius of the circle —, and the angle formed by the hypotenuse and starting from the center of the circle (reducing the value to 90 degrees, since the circle is divided into four square sectors: if the value is greater than 25: minus 90°, etc.) — plus a right angle, of course.

Law of sines

We can therefore use the sine law to measure each side, and thus obtain the position of the point on the circle. Meaning we need to calculate the sine… Fortunately, CSS got you covered with the sin() function.

All that remains is to use these dimensions to place the points of the polygon. It's child's play!

<table class="chaarts pie" style="--1: 2; --2: 2; …">
	<caption id="caption-5">[…]</caption>
	<thead class="sr-only">
			<th scope="col">[…]</th>
			<th scope="col">[…]</th>
		<tr style="--color: var(--chaarts-purple); --term: 'HTML';">
			<th scope="row">HTML</th>
			<td>2 %</td>
@charset "UTF-8";
.chaarts.pie {
  --radius: 32em;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding-block-start: calc(var(--radius) - 2rem);
  position: relative;

.chaarts.pie tbody {
  border: 0;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

.chaarts.pie tr {
  --lt-25: clamp(0, 25 - var(--value), 1);
  --gt-25: calc(1 - var(--lt-25));
  --lt-50: clamp(0, 50 - var(--value), 1);
  --gt-50: calc(1 - var(--lt-50));
  --lt-75: clamp(0, 75 - var(--value), 1);
  --gt-75: calc(1 - var(--lt-75));
  align-items: center;
  display: flex;
  flex: 1 1 auto;
  transition: opacity 0.3s var(--move);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(1n + 1) {
  --background: var(--checkers);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(2n + 2) {
  --background: var(--hexagons);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(3n + 3) {
  --background: var(--triangles);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(4n + 4) {
  --background: var(--zig);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(5n + 5) {
  --background: var(--stripes);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(6n + 6) {
  --background: var(--dots);

.chaarts.pie tr:first-child {
  --value: var(--1);
  --position: 0turn;

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-child(2) {
  --value: var(--2);
  --position: calc(var(--1) * .01turn);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(3n + 3) {
  --value: var(--3);
  --position: calc((var(--1) + var(--2)) * .01turn);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(4n + 4) {
  --value: var(--4);
  --position: calc((var(--1) + var(--3) + var(--2)) * .01turn);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(5n + 5) {
  --value: var(--5);
  --position: calc((var(--1) + var(--4) + var(--3) + var(--2)) * .01turn);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(6n + 6) {
  --value: var(--6);
  --position: calc((var(--1) + var(--5) + var(--4) + var(--3) + var(--2)) * .01turn);

.chaarts.pie tr:nth-of-type(7n + 7) {
  --value: var(--7);
  --position: calc((var(--1) + var(--6) + var(--5) + var(--4) + var(--3) + var(--2)) * .01turn);

.chaarts.pie [scope=row] {
  padding-inline-end: 0.5rem;

.chaarts.pie [scope=row]::before {
  background: var(--color, currentcolor) var(--background);
  block-size: 1rem;
  content: "";
  display: inline-block;
  inline-size: 1rem;
  translate: calc(-0.2rem * var(--is-rtl, 1)) 0.1rem 0;

.chaarts.pie td::after,
.chaarts.pie td::before {
  inset-block-start: calc(var(--radius) / 2);
  inset-inline-start: 50%;
  position: absolute;
  transform-origin: center;

[dir=rtl] .chaarts.pie td::after {
  inset-inline-start: 40%;

.chaarts.pie td::before {
  --zoom: .75;
  --part: calc(var(--value) * 3.6);
  --main-angle: calc(var(--part) - (90 * (var(--gt-25, 0) + var(--gt-50, 0) + var(--gt-75, 0))));
  --β: calc(var(--main-angle) * var(--to-radians));
  --α: calc((90 - var(--main-angle)) * var(--to-radians));
  --pos-B: calc(sin(var(--β)) * 50%);
  --pos-A: calc(sin(var(--α)) * 50%);
  --polygon: polygon(
  		50% 50%,
  		50% 0%,
  		100% 0%,
  		max(50% + var(--pos-B), var(--gt-25, 0) * 100%) calc(50% - var(--pos-A) * var(--lt-25, 1)),
  		max(50%, var(--gt-25, 0) * 100%) max(50%, var(--gt-25, 0) * 100%),
  		max(50% + var(--pos-A) * var(--gt-25, 0), var(--gt-50, 0) * 100%) max(50% + var(--pos-B) * var(--gt-25, 0) * var(--lt-50, 0), var(--gt-50, 0) * 100%),
  		max(0%, var(--lt-50, 0) * 50%) max(50%, var(--gt-50, 0) * 100%),
  		min(50% - var(--pos-B) * var(--gt-75, 0), 0%) calc(50% + var(--pos-A) * var(--gt-50, 0) * var(--lt-75, 1)),
  		max(0%, var(--lt-75, 0) * 50%) max(0%, var(--lt-75, 0) * 50%),
  		calc(50% - var(--pos-A) * var(--gt-75, 0)) calc(50% - var(--pos-B) * var(--gt-75, 0))
  background: var(--color, currentcolor) var(--background);
  block-size: var(--radius);
  border-radius: 50%;
  clip-path: var(--polygon);
  content: "";
  inline-size: var(--radius);
  transform: translate3d(calc(-50% * var(--is-rtl, 1)), -50%, 0) rotate(var(--position)) scale(var(--zoom));
  transition: transform 0.2s var(--move);

.chaarts.pie tr:hover td::before {
  --zoom: .8;

.chaarts.pie td::after {
  --axis: calc(var(--position) - .25turn + var(--value) * .005turn);
  --away: calc(var(--radius) / 2 - 1rem);
  --integer: calc(var(--value));
  background-color: var(--foreground-lighter);
  color: var(--background-lighter);
  content: var(--term) " : " counter(value) " %";
  counter-reset: value var(--value);
  opacity: 0;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  pointer-events: none;
  transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) rotate(var(--axis)) translate(var(--away)) rotate(calc(var(--axis) * -1)) perspective(1000px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 45deg);
  transform-origin: 50% calc(100% + 10px);
  transition: opacity 0.2s var(--enter), transform 0.2s var(--enter);
  z-index: 3;

.chaarts.pie tbody:hover tr {
  opacity: 0.5;

.chaarts.pie tbody:hover tr:hover {
  opacity: 1;

.chaarts.pie tbody:hover tr:hover td::after {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) rotate(var(--axis)) translate(var(--away)) rotate(calc(var(--axis) * -1)) perspective(1000px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 0deg);
  transition: opacity 0.2s var(--exit), transform 0.2s var(--exit);
The calculation twist

The positions of the polygon

The use of pseudo-Boolean variables makes this calculation pseudo-algorithmic. Let's start with an essential pre-requisite: the polygon being a closed shape and CSS not being magical, points must pre-exist. Spoiler, we need ten points:

  1. The initial axis, from centre upwards: 50% 50% and 50% 0%.
  2. One point for each angle at the ends: the first one is fixed, at 100% 0% (top right) — then each of the other angles has two states, reached or not reached. Some insights:
    • For example, the point at the bottom right concerns values between 25% and 50%: if the value is less than 25%, it must be in the centre (so as not to interfere with the drawing), and if not, it must be in its corner: max(50%, var(--gt-25, 0) * 100%) max(50%, var(--gt-25, 0) * 100%)
      Thus the calculated value will be 50% 50% if --gt-25 is 0, and 100% 100% if --gt-25 is 1.
    • In addition, each angle has its target coordinate: 100% 100% for bottom right, 0% 100% for bottom left, 0% 0% for top left. It is therefore necessary to sometimes subtract and sometimes add to the initial value 50% 50% to switch to the right point.
  3. One point for each possible position per quarter circle, corresponding to each 25% slice. Like the points at the corners, these points must be in the centre if they are not used. That's where we laugh the most:
    • we start from 50%, to which we add or subtract the following calculation;
    • then the calculated position is used — --pos-A or --pos-B as the case may be — which is converted into percentages using * 1%, and rendered inert if the value is less than the range concerned using * var(--lt-25, 1), for example.
      Notice the second value in var()? This is the default value if the variable is not defined. Cool, isn't it?
    • finally when the range is exceeded, the point switches to 0% or 100% as appropriate.

That's it!

The positions illustrated

These screenshots — taken in the shape editor of the Firefox devtools — show the points of the polygon in the different cases. You can see for each cited value the resolved polygon for clip-path — and see how the dynamic values tilt from one position to another.

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Pie chart example with a value between 50 and 75%
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Pie chart example with a value greater than 75%
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JS 8 %

Conical gradient

The use of conic-gradient() is promising for this case. You'll find examples made by Ana Tudor and Lea Verou — who actually wrote the specification.

conic-gradient() could be used in mask-image to replace clip-path and drop the entire trigonometry thing, however there's a drawback: since mask only clips visually, it prevents hovering other elements visible through the mask — while clip-path really clips content, thus allowing interaction through element's layer.

If the current hovering interaction does not matter for you, you can change .chaarts.pie td::before by dropping every custom properties —except --zoom— and clip-path, and modifying mask-image to use mask-image: conic-gradient(#ffff var(--value), #0000 0); directly.

Caution: your value needs to be in % now.

Bennett Feely made a CSS Pie Chart Generator based on conic-gradient() backgrounds : it might help you with the conic part, but it needs more love regarding accessibility to handle patterns, at least.


On the <table> element, we add an --offset variable that allows us to determine the size of the hole of the donut, generated using mask-image and radial-gradient(). Ana Tudor has made many examples of using mask-* on CodePen, have a look!

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.chaarts.pie.donut {
  --mask: radial-gradient(
  		circle at 50% calc(50% - 1.5rem),
  		#0000 0 var(--offset),
  		#ffff calc(var(--offset) + 1px) 100%
  mask-image: var(--mask);

.chaarts.pie.donut td::after {
  --away: calc(var(--radius) / 2 - 2.5rem);

Polar chart

For this variant, wa change almost nothing: only the --zoom variable and its implication in the scaling of portions using scale().

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.chaarts.pie.polar td::before,
.chaarts.pie.polar tr:hover td::before {
  --zoom: 50;
  transform: translate3d(calc(-50% * var(--is-rtl, 1)), -50%, 0) rotate(var(--position)) scale(calc((var(--zoom) + var(--value) / (100 / var(--zoom))) / 100));

.chaarts.pie.polar td::after {
  --away: calc((var(--radius) / 2) - ((var(--radius) / 4) * ((100 - var(--value)) / 100)) + 2.5rem);