Original file


Choose properties to be removed from the GeoJSON dataset.

Output settings


How to use

  1. Import your GeoJSON file through the upload field or by dropping it above the form — your GeoJSON data should appear in the content textarea and its weight be displayed beyond upload input;
  2. Choose properties you want to exclude: type and features are preserved;
  3. Define variable and file names;
  4. Submit the form: result should appear in the result textarea, and be available to download thanks to the export link.

This page only handles features. You may want to give a try to ogr2ogr to optimize GeoJSON further. Here is an example:

ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f geoJSON -lco COORDINATE_PRECISION=3 -simplify 0.04 output.geojson input.geojson